Tuesday, January 20, 2009

let's call it puzzles!

monday night tv is going to kill me one day:

gossip girl.


um. we're in a bit of a tiff, gossip girl. 1st of all: YALE SENDS OUT IT'S ACCEPTANCE LETTERS IN A TEXT MESSAGE?! i know the show is supposed to be all hip and about the power of mass communication, but really? the ivy league texts? i don't buy it, kids.

and dan & serena still make me want to punch somebody. 

and the new shakespeare teacher plot seems dumb, and blair is way better than trying to bring her down. and we can see her & dan's hookup coming from a MILE away. (i totes don't even remember the teachers name. let's call her juliet. because you know, SHAKESPEARE teacher. hah.) 

i did enjoy chuck/lily. they were sweet and i liked them plotting together to take down jack. and THANK YOU JESUS jack bass is gone. as hot as he was, it was time to go. although it seems like attempting rape is bass family trait. charming. 

they also get points for the gilmore girls/rory-at-yale reference. and how fabulous would a paris/blair verbal smackdown be? the world would never recover. 

How I Met Your Mother:

"dude. we should start a BAR!"

i love barney/ted time. the gang spends so much time hating on barney, it's nice to be reminded why these guys are friends. especially after last week, with ted figuring out that barney <3's>

lily/marshall continue to be adorable. i love that they tried to mature (or maTOUR, as everyone insisted on pronouncing it last night) and realized that they like being the cheesy, romantic, tradition-y couple. it's a nice dynamic to the bitterness of barney & robin. (which is why they are perfect together and need to get together ASAP PLEASE) the end with the marching band and the keg of beer and the late new years ever kiss was just so adorable and is exactly why i love this show so much. it's a funny show, but at it's core it's got a huge heart.

line of the night:

blair (of course): you're the one that got into yale? CANCEL THE NELLY YUKI PROJECT.

ps. yay OBAMA! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so good, Chelsea!
You make me laugh at the Gossip Girl references you make even though I've never seen the show, lol.
You are really witty and I like the way you write.
And HIMYM= BINGO! And lol @ "ma-tour"