(and doesn't my love sawyer look all gorgeous as the island leader? yeah i know)
okay. so lost is back with 2 new hours this week. and they were insane. the last time we saw the island, it had disappeared. we come back to find out that the island is now moving though TIME. crazy right? sawyer thinks so. so did frogurt, but he's dead now. in all honesty, i don't really understand the time travel stuff that well, so i'm not going to try and sound smart with all my therories.
but, i do have one.
the whispers that were on the island (jack, sawyer, hurley, sayid & locke have all heard them) are the losties in the future/past on the island. so, they are hearing themselves, but in different times.
make sense? it does in my head. lol.
other things i enjoyed:
-DANIEL FARADAY. i have a new lost crush. he is adorable and smart and precious. and his voice is the most soothing voice in the world. he & charlotte are my new island couple, until kate & sawyer are reunited. although from the promo it looks like charlotte won't last long.
-sawyer being all angsty about losing kate. poor baby. i'll even forgive him for slapping dan. but if sawyer/juliet happens, i will eat my hand. i'm sick of the love triangle/square. just put sawyer/kate together and let them be hot. jeez.
-sun being a badass. i can't tell exactly what she is doing and who she is working with, but i love her anyways. but i am nervous she's going to do something to aaron.
-ben. i just love him. i love how i can't tell if he is 100% evil, or if there are some good intention underneath the evil.
lastly, i love this:
jesus christ might not be a weapon, hurley, but a hot pocket is!
i would blog about the office, but it hasn't inspired me lately. i still think it's funny, but i'm just kind of whatever about it, right now. :(